Home Authors Posts by Cointelegraph By Dilip Kumar Patairya

Cointelegraph By Dilip Kumar Patairya

Conversational AI systems in the metaverse resemble human-to-human communication. Voice assistant AI has found its way to the metaverses of the new era, powering use cases like lifestyle assistance and personalized recommendations. For instance, rather than driving to a travel agency's office or talking to their overburdened...
The first quarter of 2022 was abuzz with the talks about ApeCoin (APE), a cryptocurrency adopted to be the native coin of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), developed by Yuga Labs. Since the ApeCoin DAO came into being in April 2021, the BAYC has been among the top...
Understanding the valuation matrixThere is no rule book on how to assess an NFT valuation. The metrics you use for evaluating private companies or conventional investment vehicles such as shares are simply not applicable to NFTs. Usually, the payment rolled out by the last buyer gives some indication...