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Cointelegraph By Cointelegraph Innovation Circle

Cointelegraph By Cointelegraph Innovation Circle
Leaning into Web3’s strengths while following established protocols can create a strong, holistic data security strategy. cointelegraph.com
In this era of digital and remote business operations, it’s not uncommon to hear that choosing the location of a company’s headquarters isn’t as important a decision as it used to be. However, if an entrepreneur is launching a decentralized finance company, they’d be wise to set that advice...
Professionals navigating the tech industry have seen more than their share of ups and downs recently. The employment environment has swung from talent shortages, with companies of all sizes scrambling to land and keep tech talent, to rounds of layoffs at industry giants like Amazon, Google and Microsoft....
Supply chain management has become a complicated issue for many industries in recent years — none more so than food and agriculture. When you’re in the business of ensuring essential, but perishable, goods get to where they’re supposed to go in a reliable and timely fashion — and...
The members of a community of any type want to feel like they’re involved, connected and part of something that’s genuinely unique and valuable. That’s certainly true of the communities that support nonfungible token projects.  And it’s not just about a “warm and fuzzy” feeling. A healthy, engaged...
No industry, and no business, is a fan of economic uncertainty, and many financial experts consider the current global market to be precarious. While every business has to look at ways to shore up operations and cut costs in a down economy, the effort can be particularly challenging...
No company looks forward to tax season, but for Web3 businesses, preparing can be particularly difficult. Global operations subject Web3 businesses to a variety of tax regulations and compliance requirements, and many regions lack regulatory clarity. Different digital tokens may have different tax statuses, making correct classification and...
With great power — and decentralization — comes great responsibility. Creators of a blockchain project have many decisions to make, among them which consensus mechanism to employ. As with so much in crypto, there’s no singular “industrywide” solution or preference, and there are multiple details to review when...
For many consumers, dealing with certain industries — including finance and real estate — is a frustrating experience due to the vast amount of paperwork and red tape that comes with carrying out a transaction. Not surprisingly, the crypto industry has a tech-forward solution: tokenization. By representing real-world...
Many who aren’t crypto industry insiders may view “Bitcoin” and “crypto” as basically synonymous. While members of the traditional finance industry know that there’s much more to crypto than Bitcoin, they also know that Bitcoin’s performance and health serve as a bellwether for the acceptance and growth of...