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Over in the world of high-quality art, NFT firm, Iconic Moments, has partnered up with the White House Historical Association (WHHA), working together on a collaborative effort for the forthcoming PROOF Collective Grails II Release.The unexpected collaboration resulted in the WHHA producing a singular piece of exceptional art...
As the Ethereum Mainnet hurtles towards its long-awaited merge, OpenSea has addressed the elephant in the room. Therefore, stating categorically, that it will not support any Ethereum forks, and pledging its allegiance to the new Proof of Stake future.Expected sometime around the second week of September, Ethereum Mainnet...
As the NFT market wavers and many Web3 platforms begin to feel the strain, Nifty Gateway has chosen to innovate. It is now debuting some of the best NFT management tools in the business as it looks to close the gap on pack leader, OpenSea.Taking the bull by...
As interest in the metaverse heats up, many brands have found themselves struggling to get a handle on the complicated new medium, treading water as they aim to find innovative ways to engage with this daunting era of blockchain-powered entertainment. Thankfully however, help is at hand, with the...
In an exquisite example of metaverse innovation, The Rocking Uniquehorns (TRU) have launched a 24-hour radio station in Decentraland. Therefore, beaming a selection of class tunes from its TRU Band Room HQ located in the heart of the virtual realm.For its branch into the airwaves, the TRU team...
Over in the exotic and mysterious land of the USA, a popular seafood restaurant has begun experimenting with NFT VIP membership. Consequently, drawing the ire of the normally calm and collected realm of Twitter.In its latest marketing campaign, Dame restaurant in New York City, worked in collaboration with...
As the blockchain faces an extended period of disarray, something amazing has begun to unfold on the Ethereum network. Working tirelessly, a team of misty-eyed world builders has engineered the vibrant and fantastical realm of Metropolis World. A bustling, hand-drawn cityscape designed to grab interoperability by the horns...
In the big bad world of the fully functional adult, coffee represents a jet-black elixir to get many people through the day. As a result, Rarible has recognized its invaluable contribution and partnered with Creation Coffee to produce its own Mfers-themed blend.Taking inspiration from a single off-the-cuff tweet,...
Over the last year, the ever-growing world of NFTs has matured into a mighty and versatile beast, where an image is no longer just a jpeg, and those who invest in such trinkets can gain access to untold rewards. One area born of this innovation has seen the...
The Meta Media goliath has continued trundling onward towards its inevitable Web3 goal. Now, giving select users the ability to cross-post NFTs between their Facebook and Instagram accounts.Through the new update, Meta has initially enabled the functionality to participating users in the USA. Essentially, testing out the feature...