Home Authors Posts by John Biggs

John Biggs

John Biggs
In theory, crypto white papers are staid, scientific documents intended to describe a complex, precise method for creating unique blockchain products. In practice, however, white papers are frequently a marketing play intended to help crypto startups generate earned media. Even so, they are still very much in demand —...
Last December, Facebook officially began allowing crypto advertisers to buy ads on its platform. This quiet but important change meant that a long-closed marketing avenue for crypto products was now open. But what are best practices for crypto marketers in general? And is the platform worth exploring for...
David Chaum is a giant in the realm of computer security and, not surprisingly, cryptocurrency. His focus since the early 1980s, his company DigiCash sent the first digital payment in 1994, and he has since doubled down on blockchain and security. Chaum and his new company, xx.network, are future-proofing...
'The opportunities are only limited by creators’ own creativity' Halsey Minor has lived many lives. One of the founders of CNET, Minor entered tech media at a time when the closest thing most of us had to the web was a spider spinning cobwebs on an old NES. Born in...