Home Authors Posts by Phil Hall

Phil Hall

Defi Land revealed all the juicy details about their upcoming Seed sale, including specific dates! On February 8th and 9th, 7500 Seeds will be dropped. These Seeds grow into Core Gen-0 NFTs that provide various bonuses to Defi Land minigames. This will be the first play to...
After the Genesis Seed sale back in December of 2021, Chumbi egg owners waited eagerly to see what sort of creatures lay inside. Those eggs hatched in January, revealing an assortment of different Chumbis. In addition to the egg hatching event, Chumbi Valley also announced changes to their...
The next phase of play to earn arrives in the lands of Wrath of Tezca. Built on the WAX blockchain, this fantasy, squad based combat game already allows players to earn coins and resources through Instant battles. But very soon, Wrath of Tezca opens up crafting options for...
The Gates open in Farsite on January 27th. Players will be able to travel through them to visit different systems and transport resources between sectors. A different kind of gate also opens at the same time. The gate to the next level of the crafting economy! This comes...
Though only offered in exchange for Martia token, the Colonize Mars Mission Three pack sale sold out quickly. Following up on that, the Colonize Mars team now reveals details about their upcoming staking system for their Martia token. This system allows players to stake Martia in exchange to...
Picking sides is never easy, especially in the space-based MMO Star Atlas. With three primary factions to choose from, each one offering different benefits, players have a few things to think about when they sign up. And now, newly revealed documents provide details on how faction aligned companies...
If you love something, set if free! At least that’s what the old adage suggests. In Axie Infinity, granting freedom to your Axies could prove to be lucrative as well! Axie just opened up their Release feature, a way to burn Axies and receive special, limited-time rewards in...
Most generative NFT projects these days seek to create an ecosystem beyond just the NFT images. And Drunk robots is no exception. Their universe features the Drunk Robots fighting, scavenging, dancing, and even farming! This latest update introduces a staking system, allowing players to scavenge with their Drunk...
Not content to simply create a trading card game, Dark Country has been working for a while on building out a larger gaming world. One that includes land ownership and guild battles. With the latest roadmap update, Dark Country reveals a timeline for these features and a lot...
Gods Unchained trended only upwards in 2021. Their GODS token airdrop paired with a weekly play to earn feature have generated a lot of buzz for the game. Add onto that a successful expansion with Divine Order and a re-opening of the Forge, and Gods Unchained showed...