Haje Jan Kamps
Welcome to Startups Weekly. Sign up here to get it in your inbox every Friday.
Hello, and welcome to the very last Startups Weekly ever.
Don’t worry! We’re not going far — the newsletter continues, but next week we’re getting a shiny new name and a brand-new lick of paint.
As Brian,...
Happy New Year, and welcome to the 78th installment of Pitch Deck Teardown!
This week, we are taking a closer look at Pepper Bio‘s seed pitch deck that landed the company $6.5 million. With the slogan “The end of untreatable,” the company is taking on a hell of a challenge:...
In startup-land, the lifecycle of birth, growth and the inevitable leap of faith happens at a breakneck pace. Still, we occasionally fall into the trap of grieving the demise of these companies. My opinion? That’s a poor move.
The whole point of a startup is to build something enduring. A...
Clicks Technology is today unveiling the Clicks creator keyboard for the iPhone. It’s less “the future” than an unpleasant glance back to a world we thought we had left behind, in a nostalgia-tinged flashback to the days of BlackBerry and Nokia, where pressing physical buttons was the pinnacle of...
Welcome to Startups Weekly. Sign up here to get it in your inbox every Friday.
Thank you for subscribing to Startups Weekly. This week, I’m taking my parents to Yosemite to explore the snowy peaks and to see if my car can handle snow. In lieu of a regular Startups...
Originally a Facebook group started during the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020 that people used to cook healthy meals for others nearby, HomeCooks has now evolved into a comprehensive marketplace for chefs. It facilitates the entire process for its chefs, from cooking to delivery, and offers over 200 meal options....
Welcome to Startups Weekly. Sign up here to get it in your inbox every Friday.
I know I usually lead Startups Weekly with my own column (and I did write one this week, so if you are somehow a fan of everything I write, go ham), but Devin’s piece taking...
Data shows there’s hope amid the bleak headlines from this year
In the face of recent economic downturns and fears of a startup bubble-burst, it may be surprising to hear that startups are faring better than you might think. I’ve been talking to a bunch of founders who are struggling...
Welcome to Startups Weekly. Sign up here to get it in your inbox every Friday.
You shouldn’t compare apples to oranges, but similarly, comparing iPhones to Androids is a fool’s errand as well.
Now that Apple is finally phasing out the Lightning connector after 11 years in favor of the more...
About 2% of the world’s CO₂ emissions come from pressurized, jet-powered sausages careening through the air. Earlier this week, I covered one startup, Metafuels, that thinks it has a solution for reducing aircraft emissions.
I was able to talk the company’s founders into giving me the pitch deck for their...