
This post was originally published on Chromia

Greetings Chromians,

2021 In Review/December Recap and Development Update

Happy Holidays! We would like to take the opportunity to summarize some of the biggest highlights from 2021, as well as look at a few news items from December and give a brief development update. Let’s get started!

Highlights from January-November 2021:

2021 was an absolutely massive year for both Chromia and the cryptocurrency space at large. We saw the emergence of several new trends in the market (most importantly NFTs and blockchain gaming), which play into Chromia’s strengths and previous endeavors. Here is a short list of some of most notable events of the year:

  • In February, we published this article, outlining the Chromia Originals NFT standard. There was a follow up article in March, announcing the completion of an internal beta. The protocol will be released with the mainnet in 2022 along with the Originals Hub
  • My Neighbor Alice launched their token in March 2021. The game is an offshoot from Antler Interactive, who were acquired by ChromaWay in 2019. The game will use Chromia as part of its backend design
  • On July 5th, we announced the integration of Binance Smart Chain into our staking program. Users can now stake CHR tokens on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain for 25% APR
  • On July 28th, the CHR token was listed on FTX – one of the world’s fastest growing crypto exchanges
  • Mines of Dalarnia launched their token in November 2021. The game started as a collaboration between ChromaWay and Workinman Interactive, and has spun off into an independent entity. The game will also use Chromia as part of its backend design
  • Chromia, My Neighbor Alice, and Mines of Dalarnia announced the launch of an $80m Metaverse Grant Program, designed to attract third party development to the Chromia gaming ecosystem
  • In November, Chromia sent a delegation to NFT.NYC and also acted as one of the main sponsors of the event – raising our profile in the NFT space considerably
  • In November 2021, we announced Chromia Spacesa multiplayer blockchain and NFT enabled persistent world game to be developed by Chromia, for Chromia!

Notable News for December:

  • On December 8th, Todd Miller spoke the Blockchain Finance Forum
  • On December 13th, Gines Sanchez Navarro presented about Chromia’s NFT technology at NFT Valencia
  • Binance included CHR, ALICE, and DAR in the Binance Cryptmas in Metaverse Challenge
  • The first Mines of Dalarnia Land Sale was announced. Holders of CHR are given improved chances in the lottery! Read this article for full details
  • The first instance of NFT migration from Binance Smart Chain to Chromia has been implemented via Alice’s Mysterious Seed

Development Update

Roadmap and statement from Alex Mizrahi, CTO – https://chromia.com/roadmap/

The ‘TLDR’ of Alex’s statement is: “we have an overall plan, but it is not possible or practical to give an exact order or exact completion dates because the development process is unpredictable”.

ICMF (Interchain Messaging Facility)

One of the main areas of development at the moment is on the ICMF. We would like to take some time to explain what it is, and more importantly how it can differentiate Chromia’s blockchain from its competitors.

Dapps on Chromia each have their own separate chain that attaches to Chromia as a central hub. The analogy of a tree may be helpful – there is a central trunk with several branches attached. This architecture overcomes several issues with scaling and also separates each application from the main workings of the network which makes the entire network more reliable.

What ICMF does is allows for information and assets to travel between the various chains that make up the network in a seamless fashion. This opens several exciting possibilities for Dapps and games, including cross game economies.Interchain Messaging is not only critical for operations within Chromia’s network, but also for bridging and communications with external blockchain networks.

The first iteration of ICMF is nearing completion and will undergo internal testing in January before progressing to testnet and mainnet deployment.

Alice’s Mysterious Seed – BSC Bridging

The first instance of an NFT asset being ported from Binance Smart Chain to Chromia has occurred, in the form of Seed NFTs. These NFTs are then interacted with in the mini-game which uses Chromia on its backend. The article with information regarding this can be read here.

An additional article with further details on this development, as well as information about how Chromia’s features will enable My Neighbor Alice to have a robust in-game P2E economy is forthcoming in the near future. Keep an eye on the announcements channel to read it when it is released!

Previous Updates

The November Recap

The October Recap

Q2 Update and Mainnet Phase Outline

Coming Up in January

  • Further development on Dapp containers and ICMF
  • The Mines of Dalarnia land sale
  • Further news and announcements as they become available!

We will continue pressing forward in both our business development and tech departments. We will have more exciting news to share in the coming weeks! Until next time, Chromians!

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By: Anna from Chromia


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