
This post was originally published on Darwinia

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On January 4, Kusama parachain, Defi protocol Bifrost and Polkadot ecosystem heterogeneous cross-chain project Darwinia reached new strategic cooperation. Darwinia’s decentralized Substrate-to-Substrate bridge will help expand Bifrost Defi applications.

Bifrost’s goal is to provide liquidity for staking assets by issuing derivatives. As a Kusama parachain, Bifrost Defi applications and products based on the derivative asset vToken can integrate all Kusama parachain assets. However, many quality Substrate ecosystems assets can not be integrated into the Bifrost Defi ecosystem without a parachian slot while many projects may not join the parachain auction since it is costly and time-consuming.

The wider circulation of vToken among the entire Substrate ecosystem needs to rely on the Darwinia Substrate-to-Substrate bridge.

Darwinia is the “cross-chain bridge hub” of the Web 3.0 Metaverse. It is also the only Substrate-to-Substrate bridge provider.

Darwinia and Bifrost will jointly explore diversified asset integration of Bifrost vStaking and Farming the applications with the support of the Darwinia Substrate-to-Substrate bridge.

What is Bifrost?

Bifrost is a Polkadot Ecosystem DeFi infrastructure protocol that aims to become an infrastructure for providing Staking liquidity, and currently offers a derivative vToken for Staking and Polkadot Lease Offering (PLO). It is also a member of the Substrate Builders Program and Web3 Bootcamp. vToken can optimise transactions in multiple scenarios such as DeFi, DApp, DEX and CEX.

vToken can optimise transactions in multiple scenarios such as DeFi, DApp, DEX and CEX. vToken can be used to realise the transfer channel of governance right such as Staking and PLO to hedge the risk of Staking assets. In extended scenarios such as when vToken is used as collateral for lending, the staking proceeds can offset part of the interest and realise low-interest lending.

Website https://bifrost.finance/

Github https://github.com/bifrost-finance

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Medium https://medium.com/@bifrost_finance

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Discord https://discord.gg/8DRBw2h5X4

What is Darwinia?

Darwinia Network is a decentralized cross-chain bridge network building on Substrate, which is the “cross-chain bridge hub” of the Web 3.0 Metaverse.

Darwinia was written in Polkadot light-paper as one of the friends of Polkadot and Substrate. Darwinia has been contributing to the compatibility and interoperability of the Metaverse.

The application areas of Darwinia Network include DeFi, cross-chain NFT trading, games, etc. Darwinia also develops the Metaverse game Evolution Land.

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