Another land sale is coming to SinVerse, giving players another chance to purchase one or more plots and build a business. And whether you want to sell firearms, or run a nightclub, or just chill with your cannabis coffee shop, SinVerse has room for everyone to create their own empire within this GTA-style online world!
Who’s ready to own some land in SinVerse? Your chance will come on April 21st, 2023, but if you didn’t already join into the staking pools that were opened earlier this year, then you’ll have to hope for the chance to grab a plot in the public sale, though the odds are low! The sale opens on the 21st at 8pm UTC for those on the whitelist, and at the same time on the 21st for the public sale. You can check the official Google doc to see if you are on the list.
The specific land plots and prices won’t be revealed until April 17th. Purchases must be made using SIN token. This will be the last land sale for SinVerse until they open their resale market, which is expected sometime in Q2 2023. Land staking should follow soon after.
A followup sale for Business Licenses should arrive sometime soon as well. Business Licenses come in three varieties — General, Premium, and Exclusive. Players can earn income when players visit their shops But first the plot owners will need to build something first.
Every plot comes with a General License which allows players to create a custom store. But to own one of the premium, game-anchored business such as liquor stores, hospitals, coffee shops, and meth labs, owners will need to purchase a Premium or Exclusive license. SIN will be the token used for all player to player, in-game transactions.

What is SinVerse?
Billing themselves as the ‘R-rated Metaverse’, SinVerse is kind of a web3 version GTA online. Featuring active gameplay with cars and guns and such, SinVerse also includes player owned shops and businesses, and the ability to build a criminal empire in-game.
In Sinverse, players own land plots throughout the city — 15,000 plots across 17 Districts in total. Each District is associated with a specific faction and contains unique resources or boosts. Example Districts are The Strip, The Red Light District, and the Fashion District.
Players can build on their land plots and open businesses if they have purchased the appropriate licenses. Construction requires collecting resources in-game, creating opportunities for player merchants, faction negotiations, local monopolies, and turf wars!
SinVerse has partnered with Vulcan Verse to help develop their game. And though still in development, SinVerse holds play and earn events every on a regular basis.
But in the meantime, you can head over to their webpage and try out the demo. Follow them on Twitter and join their Discord for more info.
By: Phil Hall