
This post was originally published on Cometh


  • Cometh Battle balancing period has been running for 7 days with 1,000 games played so far with 40% of the sessions on mobile!
  • 77% of the battles lasted less than 10 minutes, getting closer to the objective of average games lasting 5 minutes.
  • Several fixes and improvements were pushed in about 100 commits and 15 versions deployed
  • Time has come to widen the access and introduce new mechanisms

Space battles with card based actions

Cometh Battle is built as a free-to-play tactical card game. Players must strategically combine spaceship and deck before confrontation and handle battle hazards. The game rewards the smartests in deck crafting and most agile in combat.


Cometh Battle uses blockchain based play and earn mechanics. Players own their ship and cards in forms of NFT they can trade, sell, lend and use any way they like. Designed with a focus on fair competitive play, players unlock valuable resources through their successes in the game.

Towards a fun, fair and competitive game

In this first week, Cometh Battle allowed the players to craft decks from 28 unique cards covering core mechanisms of the game. The players engaged in more than 1,000 battles so far with 40% of the games being played on mobile. This proven compatibility with smartphones is a great achievement and it paved the way for a new crowd to join Cometh blockchain games. Cometh Battle is set to grow and become a very popular fast paced competitive game where the average game lasts about 5 minutes of intense tactics and fun. The first versions of Cometh Battle already show great progress with 77% of the battles lasting less than 10 minutes.

Towards play-tests and data analysis, the goals were to make sure that no strategy was overpowered and that several play styles were possible. Both goals have now been fairly validated and time has come to take things to the next level.

One step closer to a global release

In the coming days, Cometh Battle will leverage the feedback collected to introduce 10 new cards with new mechanisms and more involvement of the spaceship helpers as well as granting access to a new wave of players.
This new testing period will precede the introduction of in-game resource management and item crafting.


Get involved now

☄️ Waitinglist for Cometh Battle: https://www.cometh.io

☄️ Cometh Beyond Whitepaper

☄️ Follow the updates & Demo: https://discord.gg/mcXn2R2QRx

☄️ Listing to Space tunes on Cometh’s Youtube & Soundcloud

Cometh ☄️ Balancing Report 1: The Expanse was originally published in cometh on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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By: Jerome de Tychey


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