
CryptoBladers, earlier today we hosted an AMA with the Director of Communications from Altura, Maxim Sindall! It’s safe to say that if you weren’t there, you missed out on a great discussion and prizes! Nonetheless, we will be hosting more in the future that you can join to learn more about your partners and their projects! Here is a recap of the key questions and answers from today! Enjoy!
Questions From Us
Who is Maxim Sindall and what is his involvement with Altura?
“I am one of the founders of Altura NFT. My foray into cryptocurrencies began in late 2016 when I discovered and started mining cryptocurrencies. I saw it as a no-hassle way to make some passive income, but soon became incapacitated by the endless opportunity in the space. In the following years, I traveled through Canada and the United States educating young students on the mining aspect of cryptocurrencies, while giving them a simple introduction into the space. In that time I also began to manage private investment in crypto. These two aspects helped me build a diverse network that built my presence in crypto further, eventually leading to the launch of Altura NFT.”
What led to the idea and creation of Altura?
“Altura NFT is creating the tools and infrastructure for dynamic digital assets. We believe NFTs right now is similar to the internet in the early 1990s in that they are static and unchanging. We have two products being smart NFTs and NFT loot boxes and want to help our partners integrate those products seamlessly into their games. Our niche is crypto gaming but we also want to work with all types of gaming projects in the future.I started the project with my other founder Majd, as we saw the opportunity within the NFT space for dynamic digital assets.”
What is the utility of $ALU within the Altura NFT platform?
“Altura (ALU) is the token for the Altura NFT platform. This consists of our NFT marketplace, developer portal, and staking platform. Within the NFT marketplace, the Altura token is the cheapest token to purchase and sell NFTs at a cost of 2.5%. This is compared to BNB at a cost of 4% per NFT transaction.
Within the developer portal, the Altura token is used to pay for the API calls for developer NFT functions such as our Smart NFT platform. Therefore, to use the developer tools you need to use ALU. To reward holders and further contribute to our liquidity, Altura has created a staking platform for the ALU tokens. One is the liquidity pool staking and the other is single-asset (ALU) staking to reward ALU holders.”
What is something exciting happening with Altura now?
“We are starting a grant program for our partners who want to use our technology to power their in-game assets. We have been reaching out to a lot of interesting projects at the early stages of their development trying to build a base of solid gaming partners. So far we have revived a lot of support! Our holder base is now 70,000 strong, we are in the top 20 for marketplace volume in 2021 and we are rapidly growing our developer team to assist our partners and roll out more improvements to existing products. To note we are ahead of schedule for the year!”
What is the vision for Altura in the next year? What about in the next 5 years?
“Our vision is to grow our base of games and developers working with our technology. Adoption of Altura is the first thing on our mind for this year. In the next few years, we want to have bigger game studios and partners using our technology. We think we could be THE marketplace for digital assets in the next five years. We want to dominate the crypto gaming space on BSC first, then move to other chains like Ethereum, and eventually do INO for all in-game items. We are already dominant on BSC as an in-game item marketplace so we think it’s just a matter of time until we dominate the rest!”
What is a major aspect that separates Altura from other projects?
“Altura is a simple to use platform for anyone who wants to use it. To create NFTs, the process is pretty self-explanatory. On the API side where developers program smart NFTs, we also focus on the ease of use while providing as much functionality as possible. We are also willing to work with projects on their needs and build more tools that help make integration easier. Overall, the biggest advantage we have is definitely how easy it is to use our tech!”
For more information on Altura and to keep up with their latest posts and updates, follow them on Twitter!
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By: CryptoBlades