
Real time strategy game, Hash Rush, is running a first of its kind competition where contestants will have the chance to see their creative Hero design enter the Hermeian Galaxy, the in-game world of Hash Rush. The competition, which is called ‘Design Hash Rush,’ will also give the winner the opportunity to earn money as part of a revenue share deal for all sales from their Hero.

The design phase of the competition opened on December 17th and ends on January 3rd. The voting phase starts on January 3rd and ends on January 10th, after which the development phase will commence. The sale of the winning Hero will start once the development phase is over.

The design event is open to everyone. To participate, the Hero must be part of the Ernack race, as well as being an infantry or mounted unit. Contestants must also include whether the hero is a Tank, Damage Dealer, or Supporter (with other types able to be considered, but the designer needs to define the role, and justify why it is not one of the 3 above). Finally, the designer must define which weapon their Hero uses (e.g., bow and arrow, sword, crossbow etc.), and include some lore that gives insight into the backstory of their Hero.

There will be one grand prize winner that will be chosen by the community in the form of a popular vote. The winning design will be used to create an in-game Hero that will be sold on the Vorto Network, where there will be 2,500 NFTs of the Hero created, five of which will be given to the winner for free, and the remaining put on sale in the Votro Network for $25 each. The winning designer will take a 30% revenue share in all the sales made on their Hero, after fully transferring ownership of the design to VZ Games.

Those placed 2nd and 3rd will also receive runner up prizes which will give them the choice of one of three Founder Bundle Heroes.

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