
Research shows that only 3.9 percent of the population owns cryptocurrency. Dexio Protocol has big plans on changing that.  The focus of the Dexio Ecosystem is to make cryptocurrency mainstream using gaming.  In this article, we dive into the different aspects of the Ecosystem.


The key focus of the DexiMarketplace is the ease of use and accessibility.  NFT’s can be tricky for people to get their head around.  By making NFT’s “easy” the project aims to bring more people to the world of NFT’s. The DexiMarketplace is where players will trade their in-game assetts.


Users will need somewhere to keep their NFT’s and what better place than the Dexio Wallet?  It includes support for Android and iPhone devices being available both on the Play Store and App Store.  It includes all your standard functions such as staking in an easy-to-use and well thought out design. 

Something that sets it apart is that the wallet also educates users with information tailored to their individual needs.  Again, the focus is on usability with an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive design.

DEXIGAS $DXG, $DEXI and Smart Dexio Network (SDN)

Dexi Protocol ($DEXI) and DEXIGAS ($DXG) are Binance Smart Chain tokens. The project team is working on the Smart Dexio Network and plans to migrate the tokens onto this network soon. The Smart Dexio Network is expected to launch in Q1 2022.

Play to Earn Games

By far the most interesting part of the Dexio Ecosystem though is the integration of play to earn gaming.  With several titles under development one that stands out is Dexio Hunter.  It’s like Pokemon Go meets Blockchain and uses augmented reality for players to seek out treasure across their city. 

The game can engage local businesses, as they can sponsor bounties bringing in new customers to their physical location.  Seeing the big picture the Dexio Project team also hasn’t limited the concept to just the native Dexio token.  They’re building this system out to support another crypto. This offers huge market potential for others who may wish to utilize their underlying framework. 

Other titles to watch within their play to earn space include Dexi Knights, Legends of the Dexiverse, and DEXI Hero.

What is Dexio Protocol

Dexio Protocol is an ecosystem of interconnected blockchain products. The project team aims to increase participation in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency utilizing gaming.

Dexio Protocol is developed by an international company. It was launched on the Binance Smart Chain on May 5th, 2021.  While currently based on the Binance Smart Chain the intent is to migrate to their smart chain known as the Smart Dexio Network. The project team will launch the Smart Dexio Network in Q1 2022.

For more information visit their website or read the whitepaper.


By: Sponsored Article


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