
Digable Selects Chainlink as Preferred Oracle Solution for Its Digiwax™ Protocol and Upcoming Pokémon Card Drop

Digible is excited to announce that its DigiWax™ protocol has integrated Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) to digitally shuffle and seal NFTs into packs, helping ensure fair distribution of NFTs when a pack is opened. The DigiWax™ smart contract has been deployed on the Polygon blockchain and connects to the Chainlink VRF oracle, which provides the verifiable randomness needed for the NFTs to be fairly distributed to the subscribing wallets. DigiWax™ with Chainlink VRF will be debuted through a drop and break of 1,000 rare curated Pokémon cards, physical collectibles, and traditional NFTs.

Digible is a collector’s metaverse that pioneered a marketplace for physically-backed NFTs, such as rare Pokémon and sports trading cards, and other collectibles. The items are stored in secured and insured decentralized DigiSafes™, which stand ready to ship if the owner chooses to redeem and burn the Digible NFT. While the items are stored, the NFT functions as the legal title to the property. This permits collectors, hobbyists, and investors to own, show off, and seamlessly trade physical items while removing the friction that exists in handling the items physically. As a community-driven project, half of the marketplace platform revenues are redistributed as rewards to staking wallets.


Wave 1 of the digidrop contains 100 rare Pokémon card physical collectibles (including a graded Charizard, a Steve Aoki autographed Pokémon, and more!) DigiWax will randomly shuffle and assign the card-backed NFTs into a box of two digital packs of 50 each. Once all 100 spots are filled with subscribing wallets, the Chainlink oracle will provide a verifiably random number to assign the shuffled cards to subscribing wallets. This way, the participants in the drop have stronger assurances of a fair distribution — right on the blockchain. 

“Using Chainlink VRF enables fair and transparent distribution similar to traditional trading card games. Having verifiably random distribution is very important for a hobby that is built around reputation and trust,” said Steve Aoki of Digible.io.

Over the last two years, the hobby of collecting has seen unprecedented growth with the sports card market alone breaking the $372* billion dollar mark. Yet the technology supporting this business until now has been…vintage. A cottage “breaking” industry has quickly grown and became adopted as streamers break boxes and rip packs of cards on Twitch, Youtube, and other platforms. However, many experts point out that there is no way to control pack assignments to ensure the cards in the break are distributed fairly — only by trusting the breaker. The beauty of blockchain and its zero-trust ethos creates an on-point use case for DigiWax to be available to the breakers while supported by Chainlink oracles for the random distribution of items. 

The DigiWax protocol is only the beginning of the integration between Chainlink and Digible. In the upcoming year, the Digible metaverse is releasing gaming components that will require the random distribution and assignments of results. After careful consideration, vetting, and testing Digible has selected Chainlink to be its default and preferred oracle provider across all of the metaverse’s components. The Digible protocol will additionally permit its users to create their own contests, tournaments, and gaming events, all supported by Chainlink VRF. This way, when a player rolls the digidice on a Charizard attack, the dice roll is provably random, tamper-proof, and recorded on-chain. 

Digible and Chainlink are also exploring integration on the data provider side as well. As the premier physically-backed NFT platform for physical collectibles, Digible will provide data on collectible pricing, grading availability, and population counts of graded and authenticated collectibles.


Tech Details

The DigiWax smart contract is available on Digible’s GitHub and is made available for developers and hobbyists to build on top of. It was deployed onto the Polygon mainnet with the contract address 0x805A4471339B9D3a32342072A197eec12C13baFb

The smart contract collects an array of NFTs. Each token is an entry spot into the box. The sealer chooses how many packs are in the box. The smart contract is funded with LINK tokens and connects to the Chainlink VRF oracle at 0x3d2341ADb2D31f1c5530cDC622016af293177AE0 and receives a verifiably random number that is used to shuffle the NFTs and distribute them into packs to assign to the participating wallets.

The box creator may specify additional NFT addresses that can be used as Keys to secure a spot in the box. For example, the upcoming Digidrop Wave 1 of 100 items is split into 2 packs of 50 each and participants may enter if they hold special Digible Keys — the beta tester’s Magic Key or the early adopter Enchanted Key. The smart contract verifies ownership of the Key NFT and grants an available spot. This way, entry into the box may be split up among special key holders and then opened to the general public.

Once the seal is broken, the smart contract automatically redistributes the shuffled NFTs in a fair order to the subscribing wallets. Chainlink VRF helps ensure that the selection process is fair and hasn’t been tampered with by the oracle, outside entities, or DigiWax administrators.


About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry standard for building, accessing, and selling oracle services needed to power hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink oracle networks provide smart contracts with a way to reliably connect to any external API and leverage secure off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars across DeFi, insurance, gaming, and other major industries, and offers global enterprises and leading data providers a universal gateway to all blockchains. 

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting chain.link or read the documentation at docs.chain.link. To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert. 



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