This post was originally published on Myneighboralice

Robin is the Game Designer for My Neighbor Alice in charge of designing fishing. He grew up on a small farm in Skåne (Southern Sweden) and got into fishing alongside his dad who designs his own fishing lures. We picked his mind and collected some of his thoughts on the feature below.
The basics of fishing in My Neighbor Alice*.
Players will be able to start fishing as soon as they have completed the introductory gameplay tutorial. The feeling and gaming mechanics are meant to emulate fishing in real life, put simply you will need to reel in the fish while balancing a bar over its location.
Each island has its own set of fish. Right now there are about 5 different types of habitats, 5 different types of bait and about 45 species of fish that frolic in either fresh, salt or brackish water. Some fish eat pretty much anything while others are extremely picky. To catch them all, players will need to figure out where to find them and what to use as bait.

What can players do with their catches?
Fishing is one of the ways Neighbors can collect resources in My Neighbor Alice. Players will be able to sell their fish at the market of course, but we are developing other ways to use fish. One of our goals is to make the core elements of the gameplay interdependent as it adds fun and coherence to the overall experience. Farmers will be able to feed their animals fish which will increase their happiness to ultimately better fulfil their functions. It will also be possible to catch all the fish species and collect them in the sticker book.
Other features and crazy ideas we are working on.
As we develop the game, we keep playing with different features and ideas. Nothing is confirmed yet but it is possible that some species of fish will be made of crafting materials (eg. Fins made of cloth) and/or that others will have eaten seeds you can use for cultivation. We could also imagine some of the rarest, biggest fish could become NFT trophies… the possibilities are almost endless.

What we can definitely say is that fishing will be a social feature and that Neighbors will benefit from fishing together.
We are having a blast naming the different species of fish. Some are puns on existing Swedish or English names, others are made up like the Feudal Sharks, Ice Marlins or the magnificent Sunshine Rays.
*Please note that all features are subject to change after testing.

About My Neighbor Alice
My Neighbor Alice is a social online game with focus on resource gathering, crafting and creative expression. Players build their own virtual lands, interact with neighbors, perform exciting daily activities and earn rewards along the way.
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By: My Neighbor Alice