A couple months ago we introduced Dexioprotocol – a crypto-based gaming company with several utilities, including an upcoming AR-mobile game, wallet, and soon-to-be-released blockchain, the Smart Dexio Network (SDN). Most recently, the project announced several releases through the month of April, which may include an entirely new wallet with a web version, browser extension, and integrated swap, play-to-earn and player-vs-player mechanics to their DexiKnights game, and a yet-to-be-named second game. All of this before their flagship offering, DexiHunter (think Pokémon-Go for crypto) enters its beta version, which will go-live in five cities across the globe.
We had a chance to sit down with a few members of Dexioprotocol – a fully doxed team that spans across the globe. We spoke with Robert Barlow, Chief Strategy Officer, Ovi Sanz, Head of Game Development, and Hameed Khan, Full-Stack Developer. We asked several questions about the project, its users, and the future of Dexioprotocol.
PTE: Ten months into your Dexioprotocol journey, what are you most proud of?

RB: I’m most proud of how the team has grown from a handful of enthusiastic and passionate people to a well-structured and diversified machine. Our team spans across the globe and everyone, from the chat monitors to the CEO, are really great people that do such a fantastic job for Dexi. Every day the team is working to push the project forward. Dexi is here to stay, and that makes me proud.
Dexioprotocol is just ten months into its crypto-gaming journey but the team already has a lot to be proud of. A wallet, Game Emporium, and NFT Marketplace released within the first six months of launch. They followed those utilities with their first game, DexiKnights – a competitive PVE game with upgradable NFTs – which has been in community beta for several months, going through various updates to better game dynamics, smooth graphics, and increase fluidity. Still to come, the team is introducing PVP mechanics to increase the playing value and allow its community to challenge competitors directly. They see this as the next logical step in their entry to P2E gaming.
PTE: What challenges do you and your team face when building engaging games in the crypto space?

O: Our game development team is comprised of mostly gamers. We looked at the most popular NFT games currently available and we felt that they were lacking in a few areas. Our first and primary goal is to create games that are safe for the user and addicting and fun to play. We feel that most of the NFT games we come across simply don’t look or feel very fun. Our secondary goal was to figure out a viable way to integrate true play-to-earn mechanics with a model that would benefit everyone equally and not just create something that would only benefit users that joined early. We had to ask ourselves how we could create games that would encourage users to keep coming back, while building and economic model that sustains our growth and appears to all players.
There’s no defined roadmap for building a crypto-based game. It’s a new, exciting, and obvious next step in how companies engage with gamers, but it’s also terribly uncharted, full of unknowns, and with few best practices defined. Though, this doesn’t deter the Dexioprotocol team. They pride themselves as being “Pioneers of the Blockchain Revolution,” which happens to be the company’s official slogan. They see the unknowns and uncharted territory as a blank canvas, with opportunity to build something without reservation or pre-defined outcomes, and as a result, something completely original that introduces a new way of gaming, and how gamers engage with blockchain technology.
PTE: What will separate Dexioprotocol games from its competitors?

H:Dexi games are very unique. What will really make them stand out is our engagement with our users – we want our players to return to the games because they’re challenging and fun. We are incorporating in-game rewards, and community events. We think if our games look good, are fun to play, and engage the user, then we will have good results.
O:I think our games will be more fun to play. We have more ways to earn rewards and our games are made by professional game developers with years of experience in making things as fun and as streamlined for the user as possible. We’ve already figured out unique ways to appeal to our users with NFTs that work across multiple games, and the unique metadata those NFTs can store. We’re continuously pushing ourselves to build something that’s best in class.
It’s clear the Dexioprotocol team is building something different in a competitive, and arguably saturated, corner of the crypto currency world. The team is aware of its competition and has made a concerted effort to do things differently to get a distinct result. From the onset, the company headed by CEO Don Reyke and COO Greg Gould, ensured all team members were doxed and had the proper credentials for their positions, and that their passions lie in creating something that stood out from the pack.
Dexioprotocol isn’t just made up of solely crypto enthusiasts. The entire team, top to bottom, was brought together with intent and purpose. Game developers have worked on multiple games on- and off-blockchain. Developers have built multiple iOS and Android apps and offer years of experience. Finance, Strategy, and Marketing roles are filled by crypto enthusiasts who have built very successful careers in their respective areas with other businesses, outside of cryptocurrency. And that’s what makes Dexioprotocol different. This isn’t a bunch of crypto groupies hoping the chips fall their way – they’re passionate, educated, and experienced people working day and night to make things go their way and build a business they can be proud of.

PTE: In such a competitive space, what will make Dexioprotocol stand out? How is your project different?
RB: I believe partnerships with businesses across the globe will be something that really helps Dexi stand out from the crowd. We aim to ‘tokenize’ businesses and make their transition onto our blockchain (Smart Dexio Network) simple, while introducing new and exciting ways for them to market and run promotions.
PTE: Where do you see Dexioprototocol in one year, two years, and beyond?
RB: This year is going to be very exciting for us. Once migrated onto the Smart Dexio Network investors will see the super ecosystem we are building come to life! The team is very much focused on long term sustainability, and as more of our products and utilities are implemented, we believe our strengths as a company will come into full effect.
The long-term goal for the Dexioprotocol team is to bring blockchain technology to consumers in an approachable, easy, and appealing way. Their hope is that the SDN (Smart Dexio Network) allows businesses to keep pace with the modern world by adopting cryptocurrency as a common form of payment and means of interacting with their customers. With a wallet, marketplace, play to earn gaming, and complete blockchain, Dexi aims to be a complete ecosystem where consumers and businesses interact without any extra or unnecessary steps.

PTE: What is your priority when developing applications for Consumer use?
H: Security and performance. In the crypto world these matter the most, and it’s the same every time we work on our projects. We always do our research and ensure our security is protecting our project, and its users, from any backdoors.
O: For me it’s the fun factor. We feel that as game developers, making a game that none of us would want to play ourselves would be a huge failure. As we put more and more together, we could feel the excitement from the team. While implementing our PVP mechanics and smoothing out any bugs, we’ve really enjoyed playing DexiKnights – we hope that fun translates to our users.
PTE: Any exciting partnerships coming for Dexioprotocol? If not, what are you looking for when considering a partnership?
RB: We’ve built a list of partners, which once the DexiHunter application is available, we will announce to the world. The list is comprised of crypto projects and businesses who believe in our project and our community. The trust our users will take full advantage of the promotions we implement into our games.

Staying power is an easy way to determine the success and validity of a crypto project. The longer a project can hang around and produce results, the more credibility that project earns. Now ten months into their journey, with several utilities already live and many more on the horizon, it’s clear Dexioprotocol has that staying power.
Through our conversations with the Dexi team they display the confidence, intelligence, and passion to keep challenging the status quo. They aim to build something new and exciting, and so far, they’ve delivered. Though, the team will be the first to remind you that they have no plans of slowing down or hitting pause. In fact, the team has been targeting 4/4/2022 across all its social platforms as a day to keep an eye on. Based on the team’s track record to date, we’d say it’s a safe bet that the month of April will be a special one for the Dexi team and their community.
For more informations, visit dexioprotocol.com and follow the official Twitter account.

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