We have partnered with Homa Games, the world’s leading platform for publishing mobile games, to launch our first ever Game Jam.

Blockchain technology gives NFTs super-powers. One of these key powers is interoperability. The destiny of your Sorare cards and the journey’s they take is not confined to our website. In practice, this means your Sorare cards could one day be used on a wide range of mobile, console or PC games built by innovative game designers and developers.

By creating an open API and building partnerships with other game publishers, we want to continue to harness the immense potential and vision that an open, decentralized Web3 brings.

Join us on February 4th for our Game Jam challenge!

A Game Jam is an event where participants make a video game from scratch within a set time frame. On February 4th, we’re inviting innovative and ambitious developers to get together and build a game for Sorare Legends and retired player cards. The winning submissions will win Sorare cards.

Please note that the Game Jam is unrelated to our own work and concepts for Legend Special Weeklys.

Thanks to our collaboration with Homa Games, you may soon be able to unlock a whole new and wide range of football experiences with your Sorare collection. This is just the beginning — the future of NFT gaming is mobile and interoperable, and we’re leading the charge.

Registrations for the game jam are now open until February 4th. To register and access the full agenda and prize categories, visit HOMAJAM Crypto Jam’s official webpage. Participants will have a month to develop their prototypes and submit them on March 4th.

By: Sorare


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