Peter Molyneux and Gala Games recently announced a new Game, Legacy. Legacy will be the first ever Blockchain Business Sim. The Land Sale for the game went live just after Galaverse, on December 13.
Land Sale
The Land Sale is a key part of the Legacy Game. Gala Games are conducting the Land sale. If players would like to buy land they need to purchase a Deed NFT via Gala’s website. The least expensive, the Common Deed, was a sell-out almost instantly. The Heart of London, the most expensive valued at USD 900,000 is now sold. In between, however, there are still a limited number of deeds available for players to purchase. Players wanting to purchase direct better get in fast as at the time of writing only 59 plots were remaining. If you missed out on the direct sale, you can also purchase land on secondary markets like OpenSea.

Land Owners will be able to start Business Associations and choose Business Partners to earn with. A Land Owner will hold a certain amount of “Legacy Keys” which they can provide to others providing entry into the game. Of course, in return for providing a key, a business owner will receive a healthy share in all earnings.

Finding Land
You can find land plots on the games website by navigating to the View Land section. There you’re presented with a map of current plots. You’ll be able to see the rarity of the plot which matches the Deeds for sale on Gala’s website. You’ll also be able to see how many keys you can issue as a Landowner should you decide to purchase that particular piece of land. Some plots of land also come with bonus perks. For example, the Heart of London comes with not only 100 keys, but full voting rights on game development and the right to name one of the story characters.
With over 50 million worth of sales at the time of writing, Legacy holds great potential as a play-to-earn game.

What is Legacy?
Legacy is a business sim game where the aim is to grow, develop and build the business with rewards paid in the game currency Legacy Coin. To earn Legacy Coin you can either own a business or you can own land.
Peter Molyneux and 22cans are developing the game. Peter Molyneux may sound like a familiar name and that’s because he has a long history in the gaming industry. With a career spanning over 30 years, he is best known for popular games like Populous, Black and White, and RPGs such as Fable. Bullfrog Productions was the first gaming studio he founded. EA Games acquired Bullfrog Productions and Peter went his own way shortly after. Peter then founded Lionhead, the company that produced Fable. Microsoft acquired Lionhead and again Peter moved on. Peter now runs 22cans which produce a range of games, Legacy being the latest.
Luke Delancey is an international award winning blockchain developer. Having a passion for crypto, he is a gamer, humanitarian, writer and general geek. He and his wife have two young daughters who are training to become gamer jedis.
By: Luke Delancey