Following a spate of hostility towards NFTs, gaming giant, SEGA, is taking a tentative approach towards the burgeoning technology. It has therefore made it perfectly clear that it will steer clear of NFTs if they function as a shameless cash grab.
SEGA has a sizeable war chest set aside for innovation, and it is no secret that it is actively researching the blockchain and NFT industries. However, following a number of high-profile social media witch hunts, SEGA is keen now to avoid the mistakes of its counterparts. Recently, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. backtracked on its NFT plans following social media outrage, while Ubisoft suffered a barrage of online criticism which it brazenly ignored.
Company president, Haruki Satomi, gave himself something of a get out of jail free card, stating “if it is perceived as simple money-making, I would like to make a decision not to proceed.” He further added: “We need to carefully assess many things such as how we can mitigate the negative elements.”
Furthermore, the SEGA big cheese also indicated that there were a number of legal concerns regarding the technology, which will need to abide by local and international regulations in order to operate on the world stage.
Is this enough to placate the angry mob? Probably not. However, it is reassuring that the gaming behemoth is taking its blockchain responsibilities seriously.
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Decentralised human, Explorer, Adventurer.