
This post was originally published on polkamon

It’s now easier than ever to view your collection and reverse swap your Polymon

Jana Mechurova

First up is the Collection Page. We’ve made a handful of quality-of-life improvements here so it’s easier than ever to view your Polymon (and their info) all in one central location.

More Information on the NFT Cards

We have reworked how and what information is displayed on our NFT cards in order to reflect the project’s recent developments in a clearer, more concise manner.

Better Filters

Our collection filters were completely revamped in order to make them more user-friendly and modern-looking. We know how difficult it was to keep track of larger-sized collections, so this is our first attempt at easing that friction for some of our bigger collectors.

Upgraded NFT Card Display

We have adjusted the Card display to show as many NFTs on your screen as possible. Currently, you can see up to seven cards at once (depending on your screen size).

Perhaps the biggest part of today’s announcement, the newest feature implemented on our Collections page is the Reverse Swap. Since it is a highly anticipated community feature, we paid particular attention to ensuring that you would not accidentally swap one of the Polymon you wanted to keep for use in the staking challenges.

Step 1: You will first need to activate the reverse swap feature by clicking the “Reverse Swap” button on the upper right corner of your collection screen. Then, use the filter function to locate the Polymon you wish to exchange for your Opening Vouchers.

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By: Jana Mechurova


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