This post was originally published on bitsong

Dear Community,
BitSong is delighted to inform you that the BitSong Multichain Wallet is now live and available to all Cosmonauts!
The Multichain Wallet supports operations across the BitSong, Cosmos, Osmosis, Juno, Chihuahua, and LikeCoin blockchains. From a single interface, you can now analyze on-chain statistics, perform delegating operations, inspect available proposals, and directly vote on open proposals for any supported blockchains.
The wallet is written in Typescript using the Vue.js framework and the Quasar component library and enables all users of the Cosmos ecosystem to access multiple chains directly from the same environment. This is the first version of the wallet and we are already working on some initial improvements, while new features are also in the pipeline. These include a $BTSG ERC-20 to native $BTSG Bridge, a feature enabling token holders to open governance proposals from within the wallet and more coming.
And that’s not all. Currently, it’s still possible to access the services provided by the Multichain Wallet directly through the Keplr extension or a public address for an account. But to make it even easier and more user-friendly, we are also currently working on the BitSong Chrome extension and the BitSong app for Ledger (for mobile devices) that will provide simpler and faster access to the ecosystem.
Please note that currently, the wallet operates on Keplr’s endpoints for some of the non-BitSong blockchains that it supports. Therefore, if you experience issues connecting to any of those network, it’s likely to be a Keplr issue. We are working on a solution that will allow us to operate the wallet entirely on BitSong infrastructure, which we hope to roll out very soon.
We do intend for the wallet to be a fully interoperable offering that supports the entire Cosmos ecosystem. As such, we aim to integrate support for more chains over time and will keep the community informed via the usual channels.
The launch of the Multichain Wallet comes straight off the back of our recent announcement regarding a collaboration with Starname, allowing users to claim a custom *btsg starname that makes sending and receiving $BTSG even easier. These initiatives are part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring that the BitSong ecosystem is accessible and user-friendly.
A discord channel is available for feedbacks, bugs or malfunction reports here.
We’ve only just started unleashing the power of BitSong — and with Fan Tokens, NFTs, and plenty more coming soon, this is only the beginning!
Stay connected with us! 👇
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By: BitSongOfficial