Trending Bitcoin Ordinals 

Following the highly anticipated Halving event, coinciding with the launch of a new Ordinals protocol called Runes, there has been a noticeable surge in these Bitcoin NFTs in particular:

Must read: The Bitcoin Runes Protocol Will Debut Soon—Why Care? (


Launched in March, Runestone airdropped over 112,000 Ordinals assets for free to collectors who met specific criteria during Bitcoin’s initial year. These digital crystals are now highly coveted, commanding a market cap of $579.32 million (9,206 BTC)—the largest on Bitcoin. Furthermore, its 24-hour trading volume has increased by 9.1% to $418,130 (6.60 BTC).

Holders are also eagerly awaiting up to three token airdrops with the launch of the Bitcoin Runes protocol, coinciding with the Halving. The first token, alongside the halving event and Runes Protocol, will be a Dog memecoin

Check out: Runestone’s Impact on the Entire Bitcoin Ordinals Ecosystem (

Bitcoin Puppets

Bitcoin Puppets have gained significant traction on Crypto Twitter as one of the most valuable collections in the crypto space. Known for its visually unique monkey characters—reminiscent of quick Microsoft Paint sketches—the daily trading volume of these puppets is $883,142 (13.94 BTC), with a market cap of $230.42 million (3,637 BTC).

Additionally, Rune Pups, distributed for free to Bitcoin Puppets holders, are generating buzz. The collection’s 24-hour trading volume is up 10.7% to $853,999 (13.48 BTC).


NodeMonkes stands out as a collection of 10,000 distinct digital collectibles inscribed directly onto the Bitcoin blockchain through the Ordinals protocol. It features charming pixelated characters, ensuring transparency and immutable ownership.

Notably, its 24-hour trading volume has surged by 56.3% to $734,262 (11.59 BTC), underlining its growing popularity and market activity.

RSIC Metaprotocol

The RSIC Metaprotocol stands out for connecting traditional finance with DeFi on the Bitcoin blockchain. Its Rune Specific Inscription Circuits (RSICs) provide opportunities for yield farming and are accompanied by a captivating industrial-themed narrative.

With the upcoming halving event and Rune protocol, the project’s daily trading volume has surged by 33% to $421,931 (6.65 BTC), while its market cap stands at $98.45 million (1,554 BTC).

Taproot Wizards/Quantum Cats

Taproot Wizards focuses on leveraging the Taproot upgrade of the Bitcoin blockchain. While the actual Taproot Wizards assets aren’t tradeable, the company dropped one of the most extensive Ordinals collections to date in January, with Quantum Cats, including an auction through Sotheby’s.

At this time of writing, Quantum Cats has a market cap of $73 million (1,158 BTC), with a 24-hour volume of $269,964 (4.29 BTC). 

Other Ordinals collections to watch out for include Bitcoin Wizards, Pizza Ninjas, Natcats, Ordinal Maxi Biz, and more.

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