
Welcome to CryptoArt Sundays everyone! This week I present you with a true art visionary called Nana Opoku aka Afroscope. I am totally in love with his spiritual, surrealist, and afrofuturistic artworks.

Nana has taken art creation to a whole other level, and it has become a way for him to investigate and synthesize his worldly as well as other-worldly experiences. He tells stories of dreamscapes and philosophical constructs through his art.

Now let’s dive in and see what he has to say about the NFT space!

How did you find out about the NFT space, and what attracted you to create your own NFTs?

I found out about the NFT space via Clubhouse conversations and was immediately drawn in firstly because I’m very curious and also because I saw how much transformational value artists could gain by participating within the space.

How often do you create?

Every day.

What is your creative process?

It’s extremely spontaneous and intuitive. For example when I’m making a collage piece, I tend to just show up behind the canvas, rummage through my collection of images and then allow myself to be guided to pick which ones to cut up and combine.

Are there any CryptoArtists you would love to collaborate with?

Yes. I’d love to collaborate with artists like REO, Lirona, Linda Dounia, Vintage Mozart and so many others.

What do you think the future of CryptoArt will look like?

It’ll look like more people collecting more NFTs both for their utility and emotional or aesthetic appeal, because NFTs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon and will be foundational in the emergent new web and in future economies in general.

What are you currently working on?

I’m working on some really amazing collaborative CryptoArt projects that should be dropping early 2022 and I’ve been invited to participate in some of the major art biennales in 2022 as well, and so I’m working on pieces for those opportunities.

Where can collectors find your work?

On Foundation, on OpenSea, and on KnownOrigin.

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