Happy Sunday and welcome to another brilliant round of CryptoArt Sundays. This week I’m excited to share with you the dazzling work of NFT artist Anna Rogacheva.
Anna’s work immediately made an everlasting impression on me and deeply touched me. Her passion for creating atmospheric and colourful illustrations and characters can be seen in each of her artworks. Anna is based in London, and she regularly participates in and wins illustration contests organised by publishing houses, travel and hospitality businesses and illustration communities.
So let’s check out some of her vivid masterpieces below and find out about her journey as an NFT artist.
How did you find out about the NFT space, and what attracted you to create your own NFTs?
I found out about NFTs about a year ago from my friends who were in the crypto space. Back then I didn’t know anything about crypto and started to learn. I am really grateful to AnanasBRB who took the time to teach me NFT basics and give me an insight into artist community on Twitter.
He also gave me great advice on how best to develop in this area. When I started creating digital paintings back in 2020 I was dreaming about that someday digital artworks would be as valuable as traditional oil paintings. And this moment has come. NFTs gave me the opportunity to create what I am passionate about and make a living out of it.
How often do you create?
I create every day. It’s my full time job now and I’m very happy with that. When I don’t draw I always think about what to create next by turning over different ideas in my head.
What is your creative process?
My creative process is never ending. I am inspired by everything that surrounds me. I always look carefully around to try to find beautiful forms and colour combinations. The whole concept can be built around a single detail that was captured by my mind. I mostly focus on dreamy elements with positive vibes. I would identify my art style as magical realism.
Are there any CryptoArtists you would love to collaborate with?
There are so many artists that inspire me and that blow my mind with their talent and creativity. I would highlight these two female artists that I had discovered at the beginning of my NFT journey – Zhuk_live and CamibusNFT.
What do you think the future of CryptoArt will look like?
We are still at an early stage. We are living in a digital renaissance and I firmly believe that NFTs to some extent will be part of our daily life in a very foreseeable future. Speaking about creators – we’ve never been so independent and free as we are today. And I also believe that NFTs will be the only transparent way to protect artist copyright.
Furthermore NFTs expand possibilities for everyone. For artists – to make a living from it, for brands – to boost their engagement, for startups – to accelerate funding, for charities – to raise money in a second.
What are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on two collections. The first one is called “Stellar Woman”. This collection is about self belief and encouragement to never give up no matter what. It’s really related to my story as well, because my life changed since I started to do what I love, switched my profession and finally started to believe in myself.
The second one is a new collection, which I started recently and which is called “Soul Mirror”. The main idea behind it is that our life is a mirror reflecting our inner world. We are all unique, with different thoughts, dreams, things that we are passionate about, attitude to our life, so does our reflection. The way we choose to see the world creates the world we see, so we have to choose our thoughts wisely.
Where can collectors find your work?
My works can be found on Foundation and OpenSea, and on my website.
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Ivelina is the Content Maestro of NFT Plazas. She has a knack for putting complex concepts into simple words.