
Welcome to CryptoArt Sundays! Today we have the amazing Natalie Kato! I abolustely adore her mixed media style of art, each piece is so unique and beautiful.

Natalie is based in Kyiv, Ukraine and works in the style of abstract realism. She studied in Milan Art Institute and exhibited her work in galleries across Italy, Spain, the UK. She believes the main goal of her art is to help people connect to their desires and heart, to inspire them to love and be loved, and to help them feel special and appreciated, enjoy closeness and infatuation.

Let’s dive into the wonderful interview we had and find out more about her experience as an artist in the NFT space.

How did you find out about the NFT space, and what attracted you to create your own NFTs?

I heard about NFTs from one artist friend I followed on Instagram. I loved the idea of digitalizing my physical paintings and having one more option of promoting my art. So I decided to try myself in it.

How often do you create?

As a full-time artist, I create every day. That’s the lifestyle. I can’t live without art. And working in the mixed media technique is bliss as I never get bored or tired.

What is your creative process?

The mixed media technique allows me to be playful and truly enjoy my creative process. I can be different and work in one style. For instance, today I sketch or take photos for my references. The next day I do collage or imprimatura. Then I paint with acrylics, and again there are so many ways to paint! But whatever previous stages are, the last one is glazing and applying opaque brushstrokes with oils. That helps me to create bright, juicy, and deep imagery.

Are there any Crypto Artists you would love to collaborate with?

The idea of collaboration with the artists I share art style or subject matter is very appealing. But to be honest, I’m not quite sure about the execution of that idea so far. We are all from different countries and work with various materials. That’s why I’m considering digital painting at the moment. That would be something new for me but exciting for sure.

What do you think the future of Crypto Art will look like?

Considering that more and more people are curious about NFTs, I guess it’s a sign of its inevitable success. I heard so many stories about NFTs changing people’s lives; actually, it has changed my life as well. NFTs give creators and collectors one more opportunity to become a part of art history, leave an eternal trace after perishable life.

What are you currently working on?

Currently I’m working on the new series of paintings “Movement.” It’s all about self-development and progress of a person within the context of the everyday world. I aim to show the diversity of forms, conditions, and paces of the progress, the complexity of the process itself.

Where can collectors find your work?

My paintings are available for sale on Foundation and OpenSea.

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