
The original warrant for Nelson Mandela’s arrest has been sold as an NFT for $130,000. The digitalised continuation of the icon’s legacy serves as the latest example of how blockchain technology can be leveraged in order to enhance humanitarian causes, as its sales revenue will be donated to The Liliesleaf Museum Heritage Site.

In addition to the NFT itself, its holder will also receive exclusive access to the original document, which was donated to The Liliesleaf Museum back in 2004.

The Liliesleaf Museum Heritage Site is based on Liliesleaf Farm, a place close to Johannesburg which served as the secret headquarters of the African National Congress. It was here where Mandela and other party leaders would hide from authorities, with many being arrested there in 1963, a year after Mandela’s second arrest. After apartheid ended, the farm was reopened to visitors, where it has since served as a dedicated space for showcasing the country’s struggle for democracy.

With regard to what the injection of cash will do for the heritage site, Ahren Posthumus, the CEO of Momint, the NFT’s auction site, had this to say: “They have been badly affected by the lack of tourism due to COVID. So this is a way to revitalize their flow and keep history alive”.

The NFT sale isn’t the first blockchain benefactor of the ever-important place of education, as last year, the museum received around $50,000 following the auction of a NFT of a pen gun owned by Mandela’s fellow freedom fighter, Oliver Tambo.

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