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Cointelegraph By Chris Jones

Cointelegraph By Chris Jones
Web3 is the buzzword that's on everyone's lips — but when you put the mania aside for a moment, there's a burning question that needs to be asked: Can these projects fully replace Web2… and what stands in the way of this happening? The likes of Google and Facebook...
It's a question that's infatuated scientists for decades: how can we prolong life expectancy — giving humans everywhere more years of good health?This field is known as longevity science, and within this industry, experts argue care which regards ageing as a normal but treatable ailment are rare —...
Crypto is a fast-moving sector where new trends — decentralized finance and nonfungible tokens among them — accelerate in the blink of an eye. And as demand for digital assets grows, the need for regulation grows too. Anticipating those regulations and having the systems in place for future compliance...
Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake are arguably the best-known consensus mechanisms — but new ones are continually emerging. PoW blockchains have long dominated the cryptocurrency landscape, with both Bitcoin and Ethereum using this model. This means miners are responsible for securing the network and validating transactions — and they...
Amazing things are being built in Web3 — often by pseudonymous individuals who prefer to keep their real-world identity private.In some ways, this is liberating. It means that anyone can have a chance to get involved in a project and deliver value to the community — irrespective of...
The metaverse has potential to transform the way we work, socialize, party and even do business — but looking at the infrastructure that exists right now, and some would accuse this industry of running before it can even walk.Many virtual worlds are making bold promises about what they...
It can do — and in some cases, you may have to lock up your DOT for 120 days. A lot can happen in 120 days — case in point, DOT fell from an all-time high of $55 to lows of $17 over this timeframe… down 69%....