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Cointelegraph By Cointelegraph Accelerator

Cointelegraph By Cointelegraph Accelerator
Cryptocurrencies are digital-only assets that investors can delegate custody to a third party, such as an exchange, store in hot wallets, or rely on their own hardware wallets. Security concerns with online solutions and third-party risks (not your keys, not your coins) have increased the need for crypto investors...
The growth of social media has made it possible for everyone to become a content creator. And while the creator economy grew, incentives to become part of it continued to diminish. Since the $100 billion market is dominated by a handful of centralized platforms, creators hardly ever see...
Decentralized finance (DeFi) might hold immense potential to solve the problems faced by traditional finance (TradFi). However, DeFi still struggles with onboarding new users -both retail and institutional- due to its limitations on the user experience side. Despite all the innovation and development happening on the infrastructure level, the...
Crypto market charts can make traders feel exhausted just by looking at them, and chances are high that this contributed to the prolonged bear season. After experiencing historic lows for well over a year, both first-timers and experienced traders are looking for ways to stay afloat in the...
Cointelegraph Accelerator, a startup booster that leverages Cointelegraph’s capabilities as a media and strategic partner, announced its second cohort launching in October 2023 for up-and-coming Web3 startups.Selected from over 1000 startup applications, the 16 participants of the second cohort of the Cointelegraph Accelerator program represent a wide array...
What’s a better way than combining the world’s most popular sports with Web2’s most socialized aspects to introduce new users to Web3 through gaming? Association football, or soccer, boasts the largest fan base among sports enthusiasts, with over 3.5 billion estimated people rooting for their favorite teams. Built...
In the Web3 space, one of the key challenges for new projects and products is to get a motivated audience and for crypto-enthusiasts and investors — to find the most promising projects and get in earlier than others. This is where whitelists step in, addressing several critical aspects.A...
Web3 gaming has become one of the hottest trends in the tech world, and not without a good reason. Using blockchain technology to give more control to gamers turned out to be a fascinating idea and catapulted Web3 gaming to the main stage of Web3 space.Web3 gaming applies...