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NFT News Today
This post was originally published on Nifty'sTell us a little bit about yourself and your art practice.My full name is Mabel Poblet Pujol and I am a Cuban artist.Ever since I was young, I felt like art has been the air that I breathe and a way to communicate...
This post was originally published on Nifty'sWelcome to a new era of NFT-powered experiences and rewards only on Nifty’s.A Note from Jeff Marsilio, CEO and Co-Founder of Nifty’sWhen we formed Nifty’s a year ago, it was based on a core conviction: the idea that NFTs are about so much more...
This post was originally published on F1 delta timeIt is with deep regret that we announce that F1® Delta Time will cease operations on 16 March 2022. Whilst we have not been able to renew our license, we will ensure that current owners of F1® Delta Time assets...
This post was originally published on F1 delta timeMake every day count with double rewards!Greetings to all our racers, it’s time for a new challenge where we will find the best racers for each day! This time we will be racing in five tracks, only your best performance in...
This post was originally published on F1 delta timeIf you’re in control, you’re not going fast enough!The last couple weeks brought us to different sections of the world, but now it’s time for a world tour! Only your best performance in each track will be counted regardless of what...
This post was originally published on Nifty'sTell us a bit about yourself. Where do you live?Raised in the Caribbean, I moved to Los Angeles in my early adulthood. I explored the city by picking a starting point, but never an end. Eventually, I started bringing my camera to document...
This post was originally published on F1 delta timeWill this be your week to take over the tracks?Last week’s special took us into Europe but this week we will be heading East into China and Australia! Only your best performance in each track will be counted regardless of what...
This post was originally published on Don't Buy MemesMEME VIP — Drop Details and Whitelist.🌠 MEME VIPMEME VIP brings PFPs, membership cards, exclusive drops, and more for our community. There are only 3,555 randomly generated ERC-721 tokens on the Ethereum network. No two Very Important Pineapples are the same.Whitelist mint will open...
This post was originally published on F1 delta timeStraight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast drivers!This week’s special will take us into Europe with 2 speedy tracks available and only your best performance in each track will be counted regardless of what weather you race in....
This post was originally published on Nifty'sFeatured Artist Maxwell Step, the renowned pixel artist illustrates emotions in his newest NFT collection on Nifty’s.Pixel artist Maxwell Step introduces three artworks from the Black-bit series, dropping exclusively on Nifty’s this Thursday, February 17th at 4pm EST / 1pm PST. Learn more...