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Jonathan D. Herpy Sr.

Jonathan D. Herpy Sr.
Investment firms, agents, and members of organizations have a fiduciary duty to make sure their clients’ assets are handled in a way that ultimately benefits their customers, investors, etc. That can be difficult with assets that are as volatile as cryptocurrency and NFTs, however. Nevertheless, managing these assets...
  Nevertheless, engaging in business involving NFTs and other virtual tokens may implicate these laws in the future, so it’s best to be prepared. Below, we’ll discuss some practical tips you can follow to make sure you’re fully compliant with AML requirements. First, Why Are AML Policies Necessary?   As the law...
Imagine accidentally selling an NFT worth over $1 million for only $26. That is precisely what has happened to Timothy McKimmy, who owned Bored Ape #3475 from OpenSea’s Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection.   Because of this, he is now suing OpenSea—whose legal identity is Ozone Networks—claiming they knew...
NFTs are proving to be effective means for artists to monetize their creations, not to mention simultaneously offering a promising opportunity for investors. As NFTs and other digital tokens revolutionize the landscape of investing and trading, there will be legal matters to consider. National and state governments are...
Web 3.0 is touted as the next evolutionary development of the internet. Using blockchain technology, its decentralized nature allows people to be in charge of their own data rather than trusting their information to large tech companies or requiring third-party verification of personal identity.   The concept of an independent...
The future of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology could well be decided by a lawsuit filed at the end of 2020.   On December 22, 2020, the SEC filed a lawsuit against Ripple Labs and two of its executives. The claim is that they traded $1.3 billion in their cryptocurrency XRP...