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Uniarts Network

Uniarts Network
Hey there reader!UniArts’ major functions are achieved by NPoS voting and on-chain governance which is aided by Substrate’s development. It also pairs nicely with other facilities which were developed with Substrate, such as Crust, which handles decentralized content storage, a must-have for NFT connoisseurs.Using UniArts is an extremely...
UniArts is one of the most cutting-edge projects of our time; we are changing the game and helping the art community by introducing NFTs in a brand new light.So how will it work? We couldn’t be more excited to share it with you.UniArts works based on an “Appreciate...
For years art was only accessible to people within a tight-knit community, but now things are changing for the better.With UniArts you’ll be able to purchase NFTs, motivations for purchasing NFTs include both investment and collection purposes.Pinning the NFT onto one address will permanently eliminate its liquidity and...
UniArts is the future of the art world, as the art world grows, its accessibility grows lower and lower.We plan to end that once and for all.Our ultimate goal is to provide the sort of NFT infrastructure, community voting, DAO curation, and art grants that allow for the...
We are pleased to announce that the Celestial NFT voting round has ended. A large number of community users actively participated in the voting. All Celestial NFT have received a total of about 2.7million votes combined. Now, Celestial NFT has entered the auction stage. This article will take...
Our ultimate goal is to provide the sort of NFT infrastructure, community voting, DAO curation, and art grants that allow for the true democratization of art.For this to be possible, artists must first use our platform.Luckily for them — it’s quite simple.First, upload your existing artwork and mint...
We are pleased to announce that UniArts Network and Celestial have formed a strategic partnership. UniArts will provide the first fair value discovery offering for Celestial’s 6 different Celestial NFTs on January 28, 2022, on its gallery “The Impossible Art Formula”.UniArts’ choice to work with Celestial is based...
Art has evolved from solely the strokes of brushes on a physical canvas to the digital strokes of the mouse, light pen, or cursor to create illustrations that speak great stories. This evolution has also created NFT art, a world that has intrigued people from all over the...
Unconventional Couple Club,Created by “People”,to onboard Sonior Ark.Sonior is the collective name for a group of outstanding people who are kind-hearted, philanthropic, sincere, and keen on creation.In the SINSO ecosystem, each Sonior has an exclusive number for his/her decentralized identity, and owns 10GB of free storage space. As...
PrefaceFor a country to continue to prosper, it is essential to have a stable population, a system that fits the national context, and a core of talented decision-makers. These three elements correspond to cohesion, system, and talent.UniArts Network, a start-up in the Crypto space, understands the importance of...