
With the New Year comes bigger goals and a planned restructuring to build out the Core Force and partnerships of 0N1 Force.
We have recently introduced Ed, K4T, and William to the community and have refined their roles as we continue to form the Force. We are additionally supporting the team with Josh Collins, formerly of Razer and Redbull, to spearhead our social media and marketing efforts.
Ed joins the force as our CEO. His expertise in the tech/start-up world is supported by years working in Silicon Valley utilizing proprietary VR software powered by NVIDIA to create the world’s first portable VR headset. He brings a voice of clarity and the Arsenal of Tools to lead 0N1 Force as a leading global IP.
Katrina, our Director of Operations, has been a leading member of the 0N1 Force team since just after the launch of our first NFT collection. K4T is wearing many hats for the team, but always driving 0N1 Force towards operational efficiency. She’s making sure each Nano Suit receives the best quality Memory Cores so they are able to realize their full potential.
William is the connector. He’s taken the role as our business development, brand specialist, and devoted voice for the web3 space. While you may never see William, equipped in his ninja suit, he’s building the Nano Supports we need to cross the next Ether stream in bridging 0N1 Force IP and collaborative partnerships with a focus on co-creation.
Strawberry will be designated as Chief Creative leading the creation of 0N1 Force IP and narrative. In doing so, he will be leading live roleplaying sessions within the Discord as we redirect the creation of future canon to both the core and community. He is currently working on preparing the assets for the generative Nano Suit drop.
Link, Chief Community Officer, will be directly managing the Ethereal Enclave’s day-to-day activities. She leads the 0N1 Force mod team, as they work together as the first line of defense against The Shift and the malfunctioning Nano Zones.
Cryptospaces, Chief Technical Officer, will be leading a team of developers to build out the future of the 0N1 Force NFT ecosystem. We have on-boarded an additional developer to support our on-going tech needs and a successful Nano Suit launch.
JR, initially spearheaded Marketing/PR with support, however, moving forward his primary objective will be connecting with future partners through social outreach and connecting with potential 0N1 KA1 to help spread the 0N1 Force brand beyond the walls of the Ethereal Enclave.
IMCMPLX, is the team Artist who brought the 0N1s to life. He is the architect behind the upcoming Nano Suits. IMCMPLX worked tirelessly to ensure that each 0N1 will be protected by a Nano Suit when they drop. IMCMPLX will advise future artistic creations for 0N1 Force and provide his artistic skill to future 0N1 KA1.
Josh, our new marketing specialist who applied to the 0N1 application round focusing on marketing. Josh comes from growing the social media accounts for both Red Bull and Razer and begins regular social media engagements and marketing started Monday, 1/10.
Rose, beyond Lead Moderator, has been contracted to help with post-processing and clean-up of the Nano Suit generative assets.
Additionally, we’re activating YOU. In 2022, we will be providing the pipelines for the community to add their contributions to the force. The future success of this project demands community participation and creation. We will be flooding your feed throughout 2022 on ways to get involved and create for 0N1 Force!

As originally intended, the Nano Suits (as we have now decided canon), were NOT generative. However, due to the outpour from within the community, we have committed to delivering an even better experience than the original plan. With that said, @trueIMCMPLX has spent hundreds of hours creating the artwork and now, in the hands of Strawberry, alongside lead community moderator Rose, the files are being meticulously masked to create unique suits with each original 0N1 Force ‘mask’ property in mind.

Originally each suit was designed to match the original 0N1 Force NFT’s mask, body, background, and a red, blue or yellow “lighting” layer. With this, the outcome would have been a large number of holders receiving the exact same Nano Suit, pending small lighting and background changes in addition to some receiving unique tokens. This came with a number of other challenges but we are committed to providing the utmost value for 0N1 Force holders.
Shortly after the announcement of the Nano Suits we had nearly all of the assets prepared, but since the original suits were designed as an illustrator it has required a lot of diligent work to properly set them up for the generative process. Now, after over a hundred hours, there are nearly infinite possibilities for each individual suit — the defining feature being whether or not your 0N1 is wearing a mask.
0N1 Force NFTs without a mask produce VOID Nano Suits. Like the original collection, it is our goal to ensure even “floor” 0N1s look awesome and we have carried this philosophy into the Nano Suit collection. Previously, two maskless 0N1s with azurite bodies would receive VOID Nano Suits that were identical to each other. Now, their VOID Nano Suits will be generated from a pool of three different “front-head” styles, color patterns, several different “back-head” styles, and at least ten different bodies. The VOID suits also support a number of lesser and more common traits from the previous collection, but come with rare combinations as well!
Certain traits like bubblegum, glasses, t-goggles, and v-shades will be considered as “additional” properties and they will produce VOID Nano Suits with the appropriate “additional” properly attached.

From the three current tiers Y0KA-1, B4K3M0-N0, and 0N1, there are 40 different masks. Each of these masks in the new collection will include up to 10 different matching color-ways and like the VOID Nano Suits, will also share in randomly distributed assets to produce their own style of Nano Suits. You will find that many of the rarest 0N1 are equipped with some equally rare masks. Many of these will be far more unique in design than some of the more common masks, such as the Dali mask where there are only 3 total in the original collection effectively making them one of one designs! Additionally, the color patterns and designs will elude to their innate rarity.
Rarity from 0N1 to Nano Suit will NOT be 1:1. The mask, or lack of, is not the ultimate deciding factor. If you have a Kitsune (Pearl) and a citrine body, your Nano Suit will also come stock with a Kitsune (Citrine) “front-head” style with matching color scheme throughout. However, you may find that the distribution of traits will lead to a change in the overall rarity of each suit. While two 0N1 may be wearing a Kitsune mask with a citrine body, the back of the helmet and body will create two very different Nano Suits. This, in turn, creates a more equitable distribution and you may potentially end up with something rarer than your original 0N1.
In addition to the 7,777 original we will be increasing the total supply by another 7,777. This second half of the collection will feature alternate color-ways and possibly lack traits specific that will only be found in the original collection. Long in short, in regard to traits current 0N1 holders will be rewarded for holding.
Yes and yes. With more NFTs come more possibilities. As stated, if you hold an 0N1, your Nano Suit should match and with the addition a new collection: Nano Suits, expect a twist!
Again, with the addition of the Nano Suits we have considered the time spent creating and the now infinite possibilities as generative NFTs. And, with a recent rise in NFT collectors since launch, we are seeing a need to increase our holder base.
So we are proposing the following release schedule:
7,777 generative Nano Suit NFTs for holders (1:1 as per 0N1 Force NFT “face/mask and body” trait). We are considering releasing any unclaimed tokens to the public after a set amount of time and will provide a further update closer to mint.
7,000 for public mint with mechanisms to combat gas issues and reliable minting.
700 allow list for active community & cross-project collaborations.
We’re turning the allow list over to the community with support and management from the mod team. Over the next few weeks the community will be able to decide where the 700 tokens are best suited. Want to give 50 to the Doodles community? We’re giving you the ability to put 0N1 in the forefront of all the NFT communities we all support.
77 distributed to team and active hands-on contributors. Want to offer a hand to the team and community beyond retweets and positive engagement in the community? We’re actively seeking designers, developers, marketers, influencers, and brands that want to carry the 0N1 Force message. Go above and beyond for the 0N1 team and consider yourself one of us with a free Nano Suit mint.
This brings the Nano Suit collection to a total supply of 15,554 tokens.
The lawyer-bots over at Goodwin and Proctor are scribing the exact language to support both owning the individual character IP and 0N1 Force IP. In short, you own your character and, with it, a world-wide commercial license. 0N1 Force in name, narrative, and IP-specific characters are not part of that license. Prior to the Nano Suit mint we will provide the language for your IP.
We know that many may not understand how to best commercially use your 0N1. So we will be providing several mechanisms through a community shop, brand collaborations, and an on-chain collaborative turn-based RPG planned for Q2 2022 to opportunities to show your 0N1 off to large audiences!
We want to get your 0N1 out in the world and to continue to educate the community on how to handle their newly minted NFTs! Resources will be added to our website as they develop.
Utility you shall receive. 0N1 Force is laser-focused on providing the community with continued content in the form of monthly additions of the narrative via comic/live RPG sessions and all things metaverse. With gaming, animation, and VR/AR experiences in mind, we aim to dial in on what makes 0N1 Force special. We have a collection of high-quality artwork that is supported by an ever expanding tale of an eternal city now fallen into chaos.
In the coming months, we will be introducing an on-chain quest system, R1SE, that allows holders to play with their NFTs and be rewarded with experience and a number of items that can be later used to craft the tools you will need to survive in the Ethereal Enclave. Holders will be brought through a visual narrative and presented with perilous challenges. All of your actions will be recorded to the blockchain and the success of these missions will rely on the community to band together!
Planning for Q2 2022, holders will be able to connect to the 0N1 Force website and use their 0N1 Force/Nano Suit NFTs to receive rewards in the form of NFTs.
These items will later be used to craft a number of possible things, however, 3D assets like clothing, weaponry, and unique visual effects to be used with your 3D 0N1 Force avatar in the metaverse should be expected.
Battery Packs, Nano Cores, Shield Generators, and Memory Banks will be just a few of the items you might secure. However, the item collection will expand along with the narrative developed in the live RPG sessions alongside Strawberry as Dungeon Master.
Additionally, 0N1 holders will be able to include their characters in future IP by basis of participation with their 0N1 and Nano Suits. This may be in the form of their NFTs appearing in future music videos and animation. With that, we are expecting the Bassjackers music video to release in the next few weeks.
We expect the first rollout for R1SE to be around Q2 2022 and will be sure to keep the community up-to-date as we head into the New Year!

We have partnered with Coinbase for the upcoming release of their NFT marketplace. We have had the opportunity to meet a number of members from Coinbase and VaynerMedia, including Gary Vee, and connect with other creators in the space that will also be featured. We are a collective ecosystem with shared excitement around their upcoming platform!
We suspect their platform to be available Q1/Q2 2022 and with that have planned to launch portions of the 0N1VERSE through their platform. We have a collective launch partner meeting with their team on January 14th. That’s all we have for now.

As a unique IP in the web3 space that lends itself to animation, comic, and publishing deals, we see the need to raise funding to support larger global efforts. While we are primarily fueled by collectible art sales and royalties via OpenSea, we see the need to bring in financial support thus committing ourselves to creating a global brand. With William at the helm and his already deep connections to members in and out of the web3 space, we will seek partners in moving forward into 2022. Future updates coming Q1 2022.
Importantly, we are working on creating an effective and financially lucrative community wallet. We are currently having our CPA and financial advisors review our books. After we have been provided a clear financial plan and roadmap we will open the discussion around supporting the community via a community wallet including a community shop and future project support — expect more in Q1 2022.

With the new year comes a brand new coat of paint on our Nano Suits. The website has been revised to reflect the roadmap and will be updated periodically throughout the year. Click below to engage and scout the new website. While there’s a lot to read, expect regular updates and new content to appear so check back frequently throughout the year!
By: 0N1 Force