
This post was originally published on seedify

Seedify Fund

First of all, Happy New Year Seedify family!

We want to thank again to our community members, teammates, partners in various fields, and all those who have been with us through the journey into 2022.

Creating such a family was perhaps the best gift of 2021.

In the meanwhile, the seed we planted together started to grow into a tree that brings fruits:

Seedify 2021 Recap

With growth comes new responsibilities, and also new opportunities to make more impact.

Going forward into 2022, we aim to create (1) more utilities for the SFUND holders in a rapid way, (2) optimize the launchpad experience, (3) pursue creative pursuits that will expand Seedify’s offerings into the metaverse, and (4) dive deeper into the NFT launchpad side with 2 products; one for in game assets, the other for metaverse assets.

The phase 1 of our new roadmap consists of these particular products at the forefront:

  • IGO Launchpad & improvements — for blockchain gaming and metaverse projects’ token launches
  • INO Launchpad — for in-game NFT asset launches
  • IMO Launchpad — for metaverse NFT asset launches

Product Upgrades

While our products are currently doing the job, we want to go a few steps further and make sure everyone who is interacting with Seedify has a wonderful experience. Recently we brought a Product Manager into Seedify full time for this specific reason.

Rebranding the platform, as well as upgrading sections like claims, profiles, launchpad pages, and bringing new upgrades to these modules will be one of the key focuses of our Product Manager.

Better User Journeys & Onboarding

While blockchain gaming and metaverse is getting more and more attention from the mainstream, we need to do better in terms of how we welcome new users, and how we onboard them.

An academy with useful articles and videos, supporting many languages will be the go to Seedify section for new users, so they can get from A to Z much more easily. New products will also have their own sections in the Seedify Academy.

In 2021 we have seen a rapid growth in the NFT industry. While we have only served with a token launchpad until now, 2022 will be a year we will be focusing on NFT assets a lot more.

Most of the games and metaverse projects we launch are connected to NFTs.

NFTs are fun. They also bring new utilities in a way that is gonna completely gamechanging.

In the metaverse, most things you see will be NFTs. Whether it’s lands, buildings, items, avatars, and mounts.

As Seedify, we want to bring top quality NFT launches from mint price to our community, overextending SFUND utilities towards in-game asset NFTs and metaverse NFTs.

In our INO and IMO launchpads we will be curating, creating, and giving grants so top items, sets and projects can be brought to Seedify community.

The experience and network we are continuing to gather everyday will bring forth an even better presence in the INO (Initial NFT Offering) and IMO (Initial Metaverse Offering) spaces which are fairly new.

But we need to be proactive as well.

That’s why we will also pursue these two creative endeavors during 2022, starting from the phase 1:

  • Seedify Meta Studios
  • Metaverse Asset Program

Both these Seedify divisions will work towards one goal: making sure that the amount of quality metaverse asset launches are ever increasing.

Seedify Meta Studios launched in the last week of 2021, having 10+ artists in the team to deliver new metaverse assets and collections.

Also, having our own kitchen as Seedify Meta Studios will provide value to other artists who want to launch their metaverse NFT asset collections at Seedify.

In order to extend our reach, Metaverse Asset Program with 10M $ grants in total launched also very recently. This program will be mainly focusing on providing grants, and support to artists who want to create and launch ownable assets that will be launched through Seedify IMO platform.

By being proactive and supporting the creation of an ecosystem where designers are supported and greatly appreciated, we believe will be at the forefront of a transforming landscape while metaverse is entering our lives..

As Seedify, we have had a year that has been beyond our expectations.

But there is always more to do, and more room to grow and serve better.

How can we create more earning opportunities for our community?

How can we create more impact in the meantime?

And how can we make the experience of being a Seedify member better?

These will be the questions we will be exploring constantly.

Happy new year,

Seedify Team

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By: Seedify Fund


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