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This post was originally published on digitalxOne of the greatest and most rare parts of the DIGITALAX protocol stack is the fact that each deployment, feature and component of the ecosystem is designed to advance web3 through each interval of interaction within itself.In other words, factorial combinators of...
This post was originally published on digitalxWelcoming new official core team members into DIGITALAX is not an everyday occurrence, in fact, it’s so rare that we actively want to celebrate it with all of you when it happens.Although the protocol is always advancing decentralisation across more sectors and...
This post was originally published on digitalxThe Global Models Syndicate is a community and network dedicated for models exploring breakout looks and rising in prominence in web3 fashion and the open metaverse. It is not an agency or anything of that sort, but rather, an aligned network of...
This post was originally published on digitalxWe are more than excited to announce that the grant proposal on Rarible DAO passed this week, awarding DIGITALAX with $100K to build out the shared orderbook + liquidity for the Web3 Fashion Economy.This will significantly expand the reach and active user...
This post was originally published on digitalxOn the preeminent night of NYFW weekend, DIGITALAX with the Global Designer Network and Global Models Syndicate, held the inaugural web3 fashion metaverse Realm Runway show.Bringing together over 120+ talented guests, 40+ web3 digital fashion designers, 15+ web3 IRL fashion designers, 20+...
This post was originally published on digitalxWow. Where to even start! The entire night was a huge success and such an incredible honour for us to make manifest. The gathering of so much creative talent across diverse types of skills, life experiences and ambitions is always catalytic, but...
This post was originally published on digitalxAt the height of all of the NY Fashion Week action we have gathered over 20 models from the Global Models Syndicate, are featuring over 15 IRL physical designer collections and over 40 digital fashion designer looks from the Global Designer Network...
This post was originally published on digitalxAre there any other announcements or updates that we need to follow leading up to the first Realm Runway event during NY Fashion Week February 12th?All models and designers are heads down as we get ready to go live with our first...
This post was originally published on digitalxWhen we think about the spaces that we inhabit, the external elements that shape, direct and constrict our experience are usually noticed first; what we recognise far less is how we move through the flow of everything surrounding us and the intricate...
This post was originally published on digitalxLUME Studios is more than just a perpetual location partner for more of the web3 native events and experiences DIGITALAX is hosting throughout this year and beyond.They are also progressing into a full time DAO and transforming how we perceive digital-physical spaces...