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When we introduced Staking 2.0, some members of our community paid particular attention to one thing, 25 billion Aether locked by the team in order to support some bright projects. We would like to explain our rationale and our criteria for voting and how we can make the...
This post was originally published on RplanetImportant update: The decreasing of the general supply of Aether is scheduled for tomorrow, March 24. Today we are going to talk about the process and what will happen with the rest of Aether.At the moment the general supply of Æether is...
Hello, our dear community. On February 15th, after the Staking Hub was launched, along with the R-Governance section, a few questions regarding the project listing process came up. We wrote this article to address them and to explain what is happening right now.For now, the collections we are...
In this guide, we will show you how to use the 🔹Metafarming Tab to earn from the R-Planet tokens you own. There are two ways to do this here.The first is to add liquidity to trading pairs — AETHER/WAX and RDAO/WAX on DEFIBOX.Before you go forward you should...
The Claim Limit is the amount of Aether that the player can transfer to their account during the withdrawal of mined Aether. The Claim Limit has a base value of 10,000, however, a player can increase it by paying Aether.Please, pay attention! If the player’s Claim Limit is...
After months of relative silence, the R-Planet team has some important news for you. Along with the active development of the R-Planet Conquest game, we have been working on adapting all the services of R-Planet Metaverse. All those developments are so closely intertwined with each other that we...
Co-founder and CEO of WECAN Nazar Chervinskyy visited a live show AMA yesterday. He answered questions that concerned the community. If you missed the broadcast, we have written the most considerable questions and answers.Is being verified absolutely vital in being considered for whitelisting for R-Planet staking? Or is...
This post was originally published on RplanetR-DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization of the R-Planet metaverse, will consist of members who own RDAO tokens and will be able to vote using them. As was said before, it’s our way to show our appreciation to all our faithful players, who...
On the last day of 2021, pools from all third-party projects of the R-Planet Staking System stopped mining Aether. To be exact, the mining power of each of them dropped down to 0. Now, the R-planet NFT Staking System is preparing to be reborn as Staking 2.0. The...
Dear Crew, we have some important news to share. R-Planet is announcing the start of the scaling down process for the initial aether accumulation phase. Thanks to joint efforts from our amazing community and fellow cosmonauts, we were able to survive the dangerous flight through uncharted space, arrange...